As cute as puppies are, they are exhausting. We know your life is busy. 360° puppy daycare is here to do the work for you. Laying a solid foundation for your puppy is the most important thing you can do and it pays off in the long run.
This is the most important time to give your puppy a good start in life. This is a 4 week puppy daycare class offered during your puppy’s critical socialization window. This is an exclusive program with limited enrollment (3-5 puppies) because each puppy learns at a different pace and the puppy parents have different lifestyles. Your puppy must start this 4 week module when he or she is between 8 to 14 weeks old.
In beginner puppy daycare we are patiently working with each puppy at their own pace to lay a solid foundation. In daycare we are practicing proper playing techniques to maximize motivation so your puppy remains confident when learning. We are introducing good manners without destroying your puppy’s motivation. This is just a couple of the many things covered in our curriculum in beginner puppy care. Then, it is a seamless transition every evening from our very specialized puppy daycare to your home puppy management set up. This alleviates confusion for your puppy and solidifies the foundation we are laying and creates a natural puppy imprint for optimal puppy rearing. This is such an important time for your puppy and we are experts at this. Starting your puppy this way will pay off in the long run. We help you with understanding the signals you should be giving your puppy during and after this puppy care module and we will help you “tweak” your home puppy management as your puppy goes through different stages. We also customize a plan for you before the end of this program so you can continue to raise your puppy optimally. We offer different choices depending on how much time you have to handle your puppy and how much you want us to do. We can extend this personalized program beyond the 4 or 6 weeks at a reduced rate under certain circumstances.
There is a difference between puppy obedience and puppy management. Obedience is a dog understanding sit, stay, downstay, come etc. Your puppy does not need nor will it have obedience training at such a young age. Puppy management is controlling the environment you put your puppy in. During the day, we are controlling the environment Puppy management is very important so that there is a seamless transition from beginner daycare to your home every evening which alleviates any puppy confusion.
The home management environment together with our beginner daycare where we are laying a solid foundation for your puppy with a natural puppy training imprint is the foundation for optimal puppy rearing. Once we come up with a home puppy management plan that works for you, we show you simple protocols on how to manage your puppy in it’s home environment.
Pick & Drop Details:
This is for puppies that are over 5 months old. We continue practicing proper playing techniques to maximize motivation so your puppy remains confident when learning. Puppies are in a controlled environment to keep problems from occurring. We reinforce good manners without destroying your puppy’s motivation. We start integrating the puppies when they are ready with some of our very trusted adult dogs so we can transition them into our group walks when they are ready.
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Are Your Ready To Give Your Dog The 360° Puppy Daycare Experience?
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Address: 2815 Broderick St. San Francisco CA 94123
© 2025 by 360° Dog Walker & 360 Dog Services